Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Deb Tisch

So, why am I a late bloomer?

Because I allowed life to kind of get in the way.

"I grew up Illinois, in a family of artists, though they never called themselves that. It was not until in the last few years that I began to understand this, to see what a blessing and inspiration my upbringing has been. "Creating" was always encouraged, but perhaps the biggest influence for me came from my Grandfather, a photographer, who taught me the basics and allowed me to work with him in the dark room.  I also grew up watching my Dad paint signs as a hobby and to make extra money.  This was before computer programs could design and print out what you wanted on the side of that truck or car or in your store window.  My Mom taught piano from the time I was ten. Music was always being played in our home, too, in one way or another by each of us.

So, why am I a late bloomer? Because I allowed life to kind of get in the way. 

You know, raising a family, etc., etc,, just working and buying groceries and daily living. When you do that, it's hard to think there might be an artist wanting to express herself deep inside.

Then a few years ago, two dear friends of mine here in Ohio invited me to an art event hosted by a group of Spiritual Directors. We each could choose from a list which art classes we wanted to attend, and then create something with our own hands at each session.  I saw colors, jewelry, paint, paper making, bead work, and so much more, and I was awakened to that artist within.  In the last couple of years the three of us have had our own little art classes (but not enough of them) in my home, making more collage and doing some painting.  I go through spells of creating mixed media pieces, and currently am ready to start another Spell (if you know what I mean).

My passion is all about sharing my story. The art form I use the most to do this is photography, but I also really enjoy writing and poetry. I believe that creating art is a spiritual practice, no matter which art form we use.

For me, looking at life through my lens, seeing the beauty that surrounds us everywhere, and sharing that with others, is the best way I can share what I'm learning."


  1. What an honor!

    I love the way you put this together, Teresa! Thank you so much. I so appreciate you.

  2. I find your story inspiring.I too am intrested in photography so today I move forward.Thank you for sharing.

  3. WOW WOW WOW, loved reading this. I'm so glad you are sharing your artist side and finding time in your life for it. YOU MY FRIEND HAVE MANY GIFTS AND WE ARE SOOOO LUCKY THAT YOU SHARE THEM AND INSPIRE US!!

    I'm not always good with my words and thoughts but YOU always say exactly what I'm feeling, and we see the same things the same way, how cool is that.

    This was beautifully written, can't wait to meet you Deborah, such an honor it will be!!

    Keep doing what your doing and always make time for the STORY!!!

  4. Teresa,

    You have a lovely blog here and I love the idea of filling it with late bloomers. It will be fun to read and meet new people here. Good luck on this exciting adventure.

    1. Thank you, Dawn. I speak for myself and all the other Late Bloomers when I say "we appreciate your support". Are you or anyone you know a Late Bloomer? I'd love to share you story. teresa

  5. Another lovely post--and artist! I am so happy to be able to take a peek into the lives of other creative women whose journeys have been similar to my own. Not all of us got to this point by taking the direct, most normal, sensible path...or have had the kind of formal art education that others had as children.

  6. So nice to read your story and enjoy your gorgeous photography. I'm going to pop over and check out your website right now. Happy snapping!

  7. WOW Deborah! Thanks for sharing your story! Your photography is amazing- keep up the great work! It's great to hear so many women like photography! I will visit your blog and am looking forward to following you more.

  8. Deb, I love your story and your photographs. I relate to the part of having allowed life to get the my way. Welcome aboard. :)

  9. Thank you for sharing your story--it's amazing how many of us "creatives" allow life to get in the way... only to find out the true living is when you share yourself through art! Beautiful photography.
